Ho hlahloba tšebetso ealisebelisoa tsa helical tsamaisong ea merafo ea conveyor hangata e kenyelletsa lintlha tse latelang tsa bohlokoa:
1. Ho Nepaha ha Gear: Ho nepahala ha ho etsoa ha likere ho bohlokoa haholo bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea tsona. Sena se kenyelletsa liphoso tsa molumo, liphoso tsa sebopeho sa leino, liphoso tsa tataiso ea lead, le radial runout. Li-gear tse nepahetseng haholo li ka fokotsa lerata le ho thothomela, tsa ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea phetisetso.
2. Tooth Surface Quality: Libaka tsa meno a boreleli li ka fokotsa lerata la lisebelisoa. Hangata sena se finyelloa ka mekhoa ea machining e kang ho sila le ho honing, hammoho le ho matha ka nepo ho fokotsa ho ba thata ha leino.
3. **Ho Kopana le Leino**: Ho ama leino ka nepo ho ka fokotsa lerata. Sena se bolela hore meno a lokela ho kopana bohareng ba bophara ba leino, ho qoba ho kopana ho tsepamisitsoeng lipheletsong tsa bophara ba leino. Sena se ka finyelloa ka ho fetola sebopeho sa leino joalo ka ho bōptjoa ha moropa kapa ho imolla malebela.
4. **Backlash**: Ho khutlela morao ho nepahetseng ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho fokotsa lerata le ho thothomela. Ha torque e fetisitsoeng e ntse e otla, ho na le menyetla e mengata ea ho thulana, kahoo ho fokotsa ho khutlela morao ho ka ba le phello e ntle. Leha ho le joalo, ho khutlela morao ho fokolang haholo ho ka eketsa lerata.
5. **Ho nyalana**:Li-gearse nang le karo-karolelano e phahameng e atisa ho ba le lerata le tlaase. Sena se ka ntlafatsoa ka ho fokotsa sekhahla sa khatello ea ho kopanela kapa ho eketsa bophahamo ba leino.
6. **Longitudinal Overlap**: Bakeng sa likere tsa helical, meno a mangata a kopanang ka nako e le 'ngoe, phetisetso e bonolo, le lerata le ho thothomela ho tla fokotseha.
7. **Bokhoni ba ho Jara Moroalo**: Li-Gears li tlameha ho khona ho mamella meroalo e phahameng mekhoeng ea li-conveyor tsa merafo. Hangata sena se netefatsoa ke khetho ea thepa le mekhoa ea tlhahiso e kang phekolo ea mocheso.
8. **Tsamaiso**: Likerelisebelisoa tsa helicaltlhokahalo ea ho sebetsa nako e telele tikolohong e thata ea merafo ntle le ho nkeloa sebaka khafetsa, ho etsa hore ho tšoarella e be taba ea bohlokoa.
9. **Lubrication and Cooling**: Lisebelisoa tse nepahetseng tsa ho tlotsa le ho pholisa li bohlokoa bakeng sa ts'ebetso le nako ea bophelo ea likere. Khetho ea oli ea ho tlotsa le mekhoa ea ho tlotsa e lokela ho lumellana le litekanyetso tse ikhethileng tsa indasteri.
10. **Lerata le Vibration**: Maemo a lerata le ho thothomela litsamaisong tsa lipalangoang tsa merafo li hloka ho laoloa ka har'a meeli e sireletsehileng le e phutholohileng.
11. **Tlhokomelo le Nako ea Bophelo**: Litlhoko tsa tlhokomelo le nako e lebelletsoeng ea bophelo ea likere le tsona ke matšoao a bohlokoa a tšebetso ea tsona. Lisebelisoa tse tlaase le tsa nako e telele li loketse maemo a thata a merafo.
12. **Maemo a Tšireletseho**: Ho lumellana le litekanyetso tse khethehileng tsa tšireletso, tse kang "Khoutu ea Tšireletseho bakeng sa Bahahlauli ba Mabanta Meepong ea Mashala" (MT654—2021), e netefatsa ts'ebetso ea polokeho ea conveyor le ho thibela likotsi.
Ka tlhahlobo e batsi ea lintlha tse ka holimo, ho ka etsoa qeto ea hore na ts'ebetso ea li-helical gears tsamaisong ea merafo e tsamaisang thepa e finyella litlhoko tsa indasteri le litekanyetso tsa polokeho.
Nako ea poso: Oct-28-2024