Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Straight Bevel Gear ena e etselitsoe lits'ebetso tsa indasteri tse hlokang phetisetso e nepahetseng e phahameng ea matla. E na le mohaho oa tšepe o matla haholo le mochine o nepahetseng bakeng sa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le ho tšoarella. Boemo ba leino la gear bo netefatsa ts'ebetso e boreleli le e khutsitseng, e etsa hore e be e loketseng ho sebelisoa mechini le lisebelisoa tsa indasteri.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Tlhaloso e otlolohileng ea Bevel Gear

Khampani e hlahisitse Gleason Phoenix 600HC le 1000HC gear milling machines, e ka sebetsanang le meno a Gleason shrink, Klingberg le lisebelisoa tse ling tse phahameng; le Phoenix 600HG mochine oa ho sila, 800HG mochine oa ho sila, mochine oa 600HTL oa ho sila, 1000GMM, 1500GMM gear The detector e ka etsa tlhahiso ea loop e koetsoeng, ho ntlafatsa lebelo la ho sebetsa le boleng ba lihlahisoa, ho khutsufatsa potoloho ea ho sebetsa, le ho finyella ho fana ka potlako.Precision Gear Morekisi, Precision Bevel Gear Custom Industrial Robots Gears,

Ke litlaleho tsa mofuta ofe tse tla fuoa bareki pele ba romelloa bakeng sa ho sila spiral e khololisebelisoa tsa bevel ?
1) Ho taka li-bubble
2) Tlaleho ea tekanyo
3) Setifikeiti sa lintho tse bonahalang
4) Tlaleho ea phekolo ea mocheso
5) Tlaleho ea Tlhahlobo ea Ultrasonic (UT)
6) Tlaleho ea Tlhahlobo ea Magnetic Particle (MT)
Tlaleho ea tlhahlobo ea Meshing

tlhahlobo ea lisebelisoa tsa bevel

Setsi sa Tlhahiso

e phuthetsoe ka lisebelisoa tsa spiral bevel
Feme ea lisebelisoa tsa bevel tse lapping
bevel gear OEM e kentsoeng
ho etsa mochini oa "hypoid spiral gears".

Mokhoa oa Tlhahiso

qhekella lisebelisoa tsa bevel

Ho qapa

li-gear tsa bevel tse pota-potiloeng

Lathe turning

li-gear tsa bevel tse pota-potiloeng


Phekolo ea mocheso oa li-bevel tse kentsoeng

Phekolo ea mocheso

lapped bevel gear OD ID ho sila

OD/ID ho sila

ho roala lisebelisoa tsa bevel



tlhahlobo ea lisebelisoa tsa bevel


sephutheloana se ka hare

Sephutheloana se ka hare

khekhe ea ka hare 2

Sephutheloana se ka hare

ho paka lisebelisoa tsa bevel


mokotla oa lehong oa bevel gear

Sephutheloana sa Lehong

Lenaneo la rona la video

li-gear tse kholo tsa bevel meshing

li-gear tsa fatše tsa li-gearbox tsa indasteri

spiral bevel gear grinding / morekisi oa lisebelisoa tsa China o u thusa ho potlakisa ho tsamaisoa

Indasteri gearbox spiral bevel gear milling

tlhahlobo ea meshing bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa bevel

tlhahlobo ea ho tsoa holimo bakeng sa likere tsa bevel

ho roala lisebelisoa tsa bevel kapa ho sila lisebelisoa tsa bevel

spiral bevel gears

Bevel gear lapping VS bevel gear sila

ho roala lisebelisoa tsa bevel

spiral bevel gear milling

liroboto tsa indasteri spiral bevel gear milling mokhoa

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona